On 8/15, I went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. We took the metro to the museum and walked through Ueno Park. We arrived at around 2 pm. The museum had a shop, and multiple layers, but due to time problems, we could only view one of them. The museum is currently holding an exhibit on Henri Matisse’s art.
Matisse is a very great artist. He is adept in canvas art, sketches, sculpture, and architecture. He is the leader of Fauvism, an art form that is dedicated to strong color and expression. The exhibit showed a lot of art with those qualities. I feel many emotions in those artworks. The art style is very unique and interesting.
The first floor is the one with most of those types of art. I felt a lot of positive emotions from those works. It also features a set group of sculptures, about Matisse’s exploration of how to express the human back. The exhibits here are interesting and emotion-inducing.
The second floor featured more of Matisse’s sketch art. The art style embodied here is also very unique. The sketches are very realistic. It shows that Matisse has very diverse talents. The second floor is the only one that allows photography. I liked the tree sketches the most.
The third floor features Matisse’s creative paper cut-out arts, and the documentary about a chapel designed by Matisse. The chapel is a very beautiful piece of architecture and art. I find it very beautiful.
Overall, the exhibit is very unique and interesting. I think It’s truly a beautiful exhibit.